Cosgrove Communications, LLC
Think Strategically • Implement Creatively
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What We Do
How We Do It
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Among Our Clients
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"What w've got here
is failure to communicate."
Strother Martin
What We Do
From a creative consult to a turnkey job, we shape the message and deliver the goods
Write and edit for all media
Brochures, scripts, speeches, articles, news releases, website content, annual reports, viewbooks, newsletters, proposals, manuals and more
Produce PowerPoint, video, television and radio
Powerful, creative tools for informing and motivating
Develop websites
Applying creativity, technical savvy and project management
Develop and implement marketing communications and PR campaigns
Strategies and materials that inform, position and sell
Support fundraising campaigns
Strategizing and writing
Consult creatively
Taglines and humor and counsel oh my!
Write and edit business plans
Planning and executing the indispensible business tool
Provide media training
How to get the message across to the print and broadcast media